Special Species

Due to many years of conducting fish monitoring, fish salvage, and aquatic habitat evaluations, TRPA Fish Biologists have experience working with a variety of special species that include ESA-listed aquatic species, as well as federal and state listed species of special concern including:

California Coastal Chinook salmon

Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast coho

(photo courtesy of Mark Allen, Normandeau Associates)

Northern California Coast steelhead

California Central Valley steelhead

Central California Coast steelhead

South-Central California Coast steelhead

Southern California Coast steelhead

Bull trout

Lahontan cutthroat trout

Tidewater goby

(photo courtesy of Greg Goldsmith, USFWS)

California red-legged frog

California tiger salamander

Northern red-legged frog

Pacific lamprey

Pit-Klamath brook lamprey


Sacramento hitch

Arroyo chub

Kern River rainbow trout

Mountain whitefish

Sacramento perch

Riffle sculpin

Owens sucker

Blue chub